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Chair’s Coffee with Kathleen Peters

September 17, 2024

8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Pinellas County Commission Chair Kathleen Peters. Photo found on St. Pete College website.

One of the most challenging issues faced by urban centers across the country is managing mental illness in a growing unhoused population. As St. Petersburg works to find compassionate and constructive solutions, it’s important to understand current services and countywide plans to help.

Pinellas County Commission Chair Kathleen Peters has been at the forefront of finding innovative and strategic solutions and is a recognized leader in mental health advocacy. Our Sponsor and Supporter level members are invited to join us for a Chairs Coffee with Chair Peters where we will discuss our community’s current plans and challenges around this issue.

This event is exclusive to our Sponsor and Supporter level members. If you are interested in upgrading, please reach out to Nicole Roberts at